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What does it all mean?



Maybe you are curious about what it means to be a Christian. Or perhaps, you have decided to make Jesus, your Lord and Savior. Which ever the reason, you were brought here! Hallelujah! 


We, Wai'oli Hui`ia Church in Hanalei, would like to welcome you! Welcome your curiosity and hunger to seek out the Truth! As we've mentioned before our belief stands on the Love of Jesus and who He Is. But we know how overwhelming it can be when you start to learn about Christianity and who Jesus was and is, and what it means to be part of a church! After all there are so many different types, how can you choose correctly?! 


Well, no worries, hopefully we can reveal some of the foundation of what it means to be a Jesus Christ follower. 

Who Is Jesus?

The best place to start learning about who Jesus is, would be in the Bible. The New Testament, starts with four books- The gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.  Each one written to share the events Jesus did when He began His ministry. Although each book is incredible and holds their own gems and discoveries, the book of John is usually the first book many believers are suggested to read if reading the Bible for the very first time. 


Why Church?


Going to church, being part of a church, and knowing why you go to church is important! 

-It's a place where you can learn about Jesus and grow in faith, 

-It's a place where you can serve Jesus as part of His body, and

-It's a place of belonging where you can interact with other followers of Jesus. 


"from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love."

-Ephesians 4:16


The Journey of Faith

Faith is a life-long commitment. One that transforms you, shapes a new lifestyle, and welcomes you to be part of a new family- Christ's Family! Faith is about believing in who God says He Is. Faith is about believing in who Jesus says He Is. Faith is about believing that the Bible is true for every word that was written and guided by the Holy Spirit. Faith is about trusting in God and who He says you are. 


Jeremiah 29:11

                John 13:7                

2 Timothy 4:17 

               Isaiah 58:11               

            1 Peter 5:6-7             

Ephesians 3:19

               Proverbs 3:5               

               Psalms 9:10              

Psalms 119:37 

                  Luke 1:37                         Proverbs 3:5-6          

Numbers 23:19 

              Matthew 6:34             

            Matthew 7:7            

  2 Corinthians 5:7       

 2 Chronicle 15:7       

    2 Chronicle 20:15          

 Isaiah 41:10

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